Baskin Robbins Survey (

Complete the Baskin Robbins Guest Experience Survey at and earn a free scoop of ice cream! Follow this guide to navigate the survey and enjoy your treat.

Summer is here and you know what that means! Time for everyone’s favorite frozen treat, Ice Cream! And when you think of Ice Cream there are few big names that come to mind and one of those is definitely Baskin Robbins! Right now there are a couple ways to save a bit of money when visiting your local Baskin Robbins, the first one is a coupon for $1 Off a purchase of $4 more more by taking the Baskin Robbins Guest Satisfaction Survey at . The other is earning a Free Single Scoop when you download the Baskin Robbins App. The Free Single Scoop is a one time use coupon, but you are able to take the Customer Satisfaction Survey every time you have a new receipt from Baskin Robbins to get yourself a $1 Off coupon!

What is a Customer Survey?

The Baskin Robbin Customer Satisfaction Survey is a tool created to help Baskin Robbins engage with customers like you and I as a way to learn about the wants and needs of each customer that participates in the survey! They want to learn what they could be doing better, what they are doing well and where customers think they could make changes or improvements to their stores, customer service, flavors, options, etc… 

Who can take the Survey?

Anyone who has been to Baskin Robbins with a receipt that has a Survey Code (that must be used within 3 days of your visit) is able to take the survey! You can also take the survey without a Survey Code but you will not receive a $1 Off Coupon, this option is solely to provide feedback about your visit.

How often can the Survey be taken?

You can take the survey every time you have a new receipt! Just be sure to use the Survey Code within 3 days of your visit or it will expire!

How long does the Survey take?

The survey takes between 2-4 minutes to complete depending on if you select the option to answer a few more questions 🙂 

How do you take the Survey?

This is a short list of the steps you will take when taking the survey.

  1. Visit you local Baskin Robbins and make a purchase
  2. Save your receipt
  3. Within 3 days go to 
  4. Enter the Survey Code printed on your receipt
  5. Click Begin Survey
  6. Answer questions and rate your visit honestly
  7. Click Finish Survey
  8. Write down your Validation Code on your receipt
  9. Save your receipt for your next visit to Baskin Robbins
  10. Present your receipt to your cashier to redeem your coupon within 30

Are there any limitations?

The coupon cannot be used to purchase gift cards and it cannot be combined with other coupons.

What will the survey look like?

I will show you what the survey will look like and give you a few examples of the questions you can expect to see while taking the survey 🙂 

First go to

Enter the Survey Code printed on your receipt and tap Begin Survey

Rate your overall experience for your most recent visit to Baskin Robbins and tell them in your own words what you thought about your visit!

Rate the different aspects of your visit, tell them if you were offered sample tastes, in your own words tell them what they could do to have you visit them more often and tell them if you had any issues during your visit!

This is where you have the option to answer more questions, the questions will focus on the customer service you received, what items you ordered specifically and how they tasted. If you choose not to answer more questions click No then Next and then click Finish. If you do choose to answer the questions when you have finished answering the questions tap Finish 🙂 

Be sure to write down your Validation Code on your receipt and keep it to redeem you coupon on your next visit to Baskin Robbins!

That’s it!

And that is all there is to it! The Baskin Robbins Survey is pretty short and simple. The coupon isn’t a huge savings but $1 Off is better than nothing! Plus you can keep earning them every time you visit! Hope this has helped answer any questions you may have had, and I hope you have been encouraged to take the survey yourself!

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Question #1:
How do you feel about your overall experience with us?