Family Dollar Survey (

Take the Family Dollar Customer Survey at and get a chance to win a $100 gift card! Use this guide to complete the survey and increase your chances of winning.

Did you realize Family Dollar is currently running sweepstakes for a $100 gift card for taking their survey? 

My receipt told me they were running sweepstakes for daily and weekly prizes for $1000 but when I went to take the survey it was for a $100 gift card. Which is still a pretty decent sweepstakes, but not quite as exciting as the one advertised on the receipt.

This is a good example of how often surveys change, from day to day it could be completely different! That’s why I like to take surveys as often and as quickly as I can so I don’t miss out on anything!

When will they be offering $1000 again?

We won’t really know when Family Dollar will offer the larger sweepstakes again, hopefully soon! 

Is it worth the time for a chance at a $100 gift card?

Whenever a store or restaurant offers any sort of sweepstakes, it is always worth a few minutes to take their survey for a chance to win prizes. You know what they say, you won’t win if you don’t enter!

How long does the survey take?

This survey takes about 7 minutes to complete, and it also offers to add you to their email list to send you extra coupons and chances to take more surveys towards the end of the survey.

What are my odds?

I don’t know the exact odds but every time you fill out a survey you receive a chance to win!

What are the rules?

To enter the sweepstakes you must be 18 years of age or older and employees or their relatives are not eligible to participate.

What are the steps for taking the survey?

  1. You need a valid receipt with a transaction code
  2. Go to
  3. Locate and enter your transaction code from your receipt
  4. Begin the survey
  5. Remember to select YES when ask if you would like to be entered into the sweepstakes
  6. Fill out your personal info
  7. That’s it!

If I win, how will I know?

If you are selected as a winner you will be contacted via email and telephone, that information will be asked of you towards the end of the survey.

What do they do with my info?

Family Dollar does not sell or share your information without your permission, any information they gather from you is used to help improve their stores and customer service.

Let’s take it together!

If you’re still unsure if you are comfortable taking the survey, fear not I will show you all the steps and questions that are asked of you during the process! So here we go!

To begin, head over to

Select your language

Enter your transaction code

They will show you how long it should take.

Let them know your age.

How often do you shop?

How was your overall shopping experience?

Begin rating the different aspects of your visit.

Let them know what types of things your purchased

How did your checkout go?

Are you willing to answer a few more questions?

If yes this is where they will ask about your household info.

This is where they ask if they are allowed to share your info.

Would you like to receive digital coupons?

Would you like to be entered into the sweepstakes? YES!!!!

Enter your contact info, so they can tell you if you have won!

That’s it!

And that’s pretty much it! Remember to keep an eye on your receipts and to check back regularly for the latest sweepstakes prizes. They change almost weekly sometimes so it pays to keep coming back! Also remember with every receipt, you have another chance for an entry to improve your odds!

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Question #1:
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